8 Types Of Pottery Clay To Know About

Here are the most popular types of pottery clay used for this year.

Pottery clay comes in different types, each designed for specific uses. Knowing the right clay for your project can make a big difference in the final result.

This article will explain the main types of pottery clay, their uses, and what to consider when choosing one for your work.

These basics will help you get started for choosing the right type of clay.

Types Of Pottery Clay

Pottery clay is the fundamental building block of ceramics, providing both structure and malleability for your creations.

Each type of clay possesses unique properties, making it crucial to select the clay that aligns with your desired outcome.

From earthenware to stoneware and porcelain, these tried-and-true clays have captured the hearts of potters throughout history.

Best Pottery Clay For Ceramics

1. Earthenware Clay

Potters have used earthenware clay for centuries. Its low firing temperature, typically between 1,000 and 1,150 degrees Celsius, characterizes earthenware clay.

Earthenware Clay

It has a high iron content, which gives it a reddish-brown color after firing.

Earthenware clay is relatively porous and not very durable compared to other types of clay.

People commonly use it to make everyday objects like flower pots, dishes, and tiles.

2. Stoneware Clay

Stoneware clay is a popular type of clay used in pottery due to its durability and versatility.

Firing it at higher temperatures, typically between 1,200 and 1,300 degrees Celsius, makes it dense, strong, and vitrified.

Stoneware Clay is a type of pottery clay

Stoneware clay is typically gray or buff in its raw form and turns a light gray or brown color after firing. This type of clay has lower porosity than earthenware clay, making it suitable for functional pottery like mugs, bowls, and vases.

3. Porcelain Clay

Porcelain Clay

Porcelain clay is known for its delicate and translucent appearance. It’s one of the types of pottery clays made from a combination of fine white clay, such as kaolin, and other minerals.

Firing porcelain at very high temperatures, around 1,300 to 1,450 degrees Celsius, creates a non-porous, glass-like finish.

Porcelain Clay

Emily Murphy on Etsy has gorgeous handmade porcelain mugs that really makes the porcelain take center stage.

Its smooth texture allows for intricate detail and fine shaping. People often use porcelain to create delicate and decorative items like fine china, figurines, and jewelry. I absolutely love the look of this clay.

4. Raku Clay

Raku clay stands out for its unique firing process and distinctive aesthetic. Potters fire this type of clay at relatively low temperatures, typically around 900 to 1,000 degrees Celsius.

After the initial firing, potters remove the pottery from the kiln while it is still glowing hot and place it in combustible materials, such as sawdust or leaves.

Raku Clay

This rapid cooling process creates unpredictable patterns and colors, giving each piece a one-of-a-kind appearance. Raku clay is commonly used to create decorative vessels and sculptures.

5. Terra Cotta Clay

Terra cotta clay, derived from Italian words meaning “baked earth,” has been used for centuries in pottery production. It is a low-fire clay with a rich, orange-brown color.

Terra cotta clay is relatively porous and has a rustic, earthy appearance. It is often used for making garden pots, tiles, and sculptures.

Terra Cotta Clay

While not as durable as stoneware or porcelain, terra cotta clay has a distinct charm and is popular for its warm and inviting aesthetic.

6. Paper Clay

Paper clay is a unique type of clay that incorporates cellulose fibers, typically from paper or plant-based sources, into the clay body.

These fibers improve the clay’s plasticity, making it easier to work with and reducing shrinkage during drying and firing. They help create more stable and durable pieces.

Ceramic artists often use paper clay for sculptural work because the fibers help create lightweight and delicate structures. Additionally, you can fire it at different temperatures, depending on the clay composition. You can fire it at different temperatures, depending on the clay composition.

YouTube has many tutorials on how to make your own paper clay.

7. Air Dry Clay

Air dry clay is an excellent choice for beginners venturing into the world of pottery for several compelling reasons.

Its user-friendly nature and convenience make it a popular option for those starting their artistic journey.

Air Dry Clay

No kiln or firing required. Air dry clay hardens and sets when exposed to air, unlike traditional clay types that need firing in a kiln.

This eliminates the need for expensive equipment and a dedicated firing process, making it a more accessible option for beginners who may not have access to a kiln or prefer to skip the firing step.

8. Polymer Clay

People like to use oven bake polymer clay to make and sell items such as jewelry and dishes in their Etsy shops because of its versatility and durability.

It’s one of the most popular clays for beginners. We have s list of some of our favorite brands of polymer clay kits for beginners.

Buy Arteza Polymer Clay

Polymer Clay

When you fire clay at high temperatures, it goes through a chemical change called vitrification, which turns it into a strong, solid form.

One of the most popular brands for polymer clay is Arteza. You can use their clays for crafts, jewelry, and sculptures.

Understanding Pottery Clay

Pottery clay, also known as ceramic clay, is a natural material used in pottery and sculpture. It consists of minerals, water, and organic matter.

Choosing the Right Pottery Clay

Here are some key points to consider when choosing the pottery clay to work with.


Plasticity means a clay’s ability to be molded and shaped without cracking or breaking.

For beginners, clay with good plasticity is essential, as it allows for easy manipulation and experimentation. Look for terms like “easy to work with” or “suitable for beginners” when choosing clay.

Firing Temperature

Consider the firing temperature required for your chosen clay. If you have access to a kiln, double check that the clay’s firing temperature matches the capabilities of your kiln.

It’s important to choose a clay that is compatible with your firing setup to avoid potential issues during the firing process.

Moisture Content

Clay comes in different moisture levels, ranging from dry to wet. For beginners, it is advisable to start with clay that has a medium moisture content.

This allows for ease of manipulation without being overly dry or sticky.

Supplier and Quality

Choose a reputable supplier that offers high-quality pottery clay. Look for clay that is free from impurities, such as rocks or twigs, as these can cause defects in your finished pieces.

Read reviews and seek recommendations from experienced potters to make sure you are purchasing clay from a trusted source.

One of the most popular brands is Old Potters On Amazon.

Closing Thoughts

Remember to consider factors such as clay body type, plasticity, firing temperature, moisture content, and supplier reputation when making your choice.

As a beginner, try a clay that is easy to use, like an airdry clay. Then you can see if you actually like working with it before getting all of the expensive equipment.

Earthenware clay is often a popular choice due to its forgiving nature and vibrant colors.

Remember that choosing the right clay is just the beginning. There’s lots to learn about pottery and we have lots of guides here to help you out.

With practice and dedication, you will develop your own unique style and create beautiful pottery pieces that reflect your artistic vision.

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